WJR in Dos Palos

Life in a small town, patterns on the sky

New!!! (Not really…)

I am still thinking about my plans for this site, this blog. Is it possible to make this site usable? I say it is, but it will not be easy. Nothing worthwhile is. Someone famous said that. I do not know who it was, but they had better name recognition than I.

Anyways, for this site, I was thinking I could just walk around town, take pictures, post my thoughts, talk to people. Something I have never done before, get me out of my comfort zone. Should I do this? Would you visit my site more frequently?

Please post your thoughts, your suggestions. Thank you.

Future plans

I am considering several options for this site. I would like it to be an active blog about my town, but not sure how many are interested. Just putting it out there that this blog is alive, even if stagnant, and I will be posting more frequently. Just stay tuned.

New talk show

Hello all. I will be re-launching my talk show next month. Check my Facebook page for further details. Thank you.

Welcome to my place…Enjoy the ambiance.

Here you are, at another hole on the Web and I am very glad you could make it. This blog will be enticing to your senses as well as your intellect and I am certain that you will want to post feedback to things I say. Opinions are always welcome and encouraged in the land of the free and the home of the brave and I thank you for visiting. 

The Proprietor
WJR in Dos Palos